Monday, October 25, 2010

Yellow Presentaion

I have selected parts of my presentation that I felt were very interesting, and would like to research further in the future. Also included is my analysis of 3 examples that take a conscious and creative approach to the application of my assigned colour... yellow.

Yellow traditionally represents the sun and is a most cheerful colour when used in moderation. If used too liberally, it can tire the eyes and make people irritable.

Fact: Couples with yellow kitchens tend to argue more often when in those areas. Yellow is also known to represent GREED and COWARDLINESS. During 10th century France, the doors of traitors were painted yellow.

 Positive: Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, extra version, emotional strength, friendliness, creativity. 
Negative: Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, depression, anxiety, suicide.

The yellow wavelength is relatively long and essentially stimulating. 
In this case the stimulus is emotional, therefore yellow is the strongest colour, psychologically. The right yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem; it is the colour of confidence and optimism. Too much of it, or the wrong tone in relation to the other tones in a colour scheme, can cause self-esteem to plummet, giving rise to fear and anxiety.

Print Design: Example 1
The Swiss group Yello (album covers). Started in 1979 and are still going strong. Hard to explain the style of music… but consists of lots of instrument and voice sampling and electronic sounds that are some times mixed with traditional instruments.

Based on the information I sourced the record sleeve came out around the early to mid-eighties.

* Why is the designer choosing to use this colour?
Several different reasons I think the designer(s) choice of the colour could have been that the colour was trendy/fashionable at the time, and also the richness of the yellow gives the text impact, with the fine white lines creating a more interesting composition, directing the viewer around the hierarchy of text. The obvious reason is that the colour was used in relation to the bands name (Yello) that is spelt without the ‘O’. With the use of the word play and a strong graphic yellow, this would help to market their brand identity as well as their music to entice new music fans across the globe.

* How would it be different in another colour?
Dropping in a replacement colour would be interesting, but would draw the viewer away initially from the word Yello (maybe), and the white and black text may have to be changed. The design and composition may also have to be rearranged, and this could also have a knock on affect to the choice of font(s). This would all depend on the replacement colour.

* How does this colour choice affect the viewer/consumer?
The colour affects the viewer by giving the cover a strong presence also giving the false impression of an important piece of signage that needs to be read. With the simplicity of the design and content the viewer can easily process the colours and the information. The use of white is a good balance with the yellow helping the text to jump out. The yellow also helps to express the bands unique style of music.

Print Design: Example 2

Rethink design agency: Playland's 2010 campaign is based on the insight that screaming is cathartic. There are plenty of things in life that make you want to scream, and there’s no better place to let it out than on the rides at Playland.

Definition - Cathartic: providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis : crying is a cathartic release.

(My first impression)
My first sighting of these ads was one of awkwardness with a touch of disturbance.

* Why is the designer choosing to use this colour?
The use of this particular yellow shouts out, again like a piece of signage giving of a loaded / loud message. It pushes out the black silhouette crying out with the blow horn embed in the back of his /or hers throat. It works well with the use of black and white, with the whole design brought together with the energy and vibrancy of the yellow.

below: 2 examples from the same advertising campaign.

* How would it be different in another colour?

My first impressions are that they are both strong and uniformed in their design. The green example is vibrant and stands out, giving off an emotional response of aggression and toxic waste. This is partly due to the choice of imagery e.g., a baseball cape, and sharpness of the object inside his mouth, in combination with the vibrant green coloured background. The vibrant pink example could be seen as a cliche used in conjunction with the silhouetted image of a girl with her hair tied back. However I think the pink is an obvious choice, yet effective in its execution, with the background colour helping to define and communicate the image, keeping the text legible. 

* How does this colour choice affect the viewer/consumer?
Yellow image: The colour is visually strong and very neutral, giving of a sense of discovery, danger and fun, being a colour used a lot for children’s products e.g., toys, pens, cloths, clowns, teddies etc... So there is an element of nostalgia there, with the use of secondary imagery giving of a sense of fun and play for all age groups, especially those with young and teenage children.

Music Video: Example 3

Cold play official music video - YELLOW

*Why is the designer choosing to use this colour?

*How does this colour choice affect the viewer/consumer?
Yellow is associated with nature, and the sun, so using a beach setting that is nearing a sunrise seems very appropriate. Subtleties of yellow tints start to intensify around the whole image and are not obvious straight away, but become more obvious when the camera pans round to the beach. The title of the song ‘Yellow’ and the power of the lyrics help to unite the whole concept of the video giving it meaning and true purpose. The video is also slowed down, that again helps to associate you with the calming colour of yellow. The singer ‘Chris martin’ expresses the song with perfect movement and melody, with a true sense of understanding, love and compassion.

Song Lyrics - Yellow

The whole experience leaves me with a more clear and positive attitude, with the simple message of... enjoy life to the full.

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